Roman Sterlingov - Profits over Justice
The Disturbing Case of the Chainanlysis Based Prosecution
This case should disturb all people concerned about the over-reach of a justice system. Like the Tornado cash case, it only reinforces the need for the protection of individual freedom through anonymity. Tor Ekland and Michael Hassard describe the case of Swedish-citizen Roman Sterlingov accused of administering the crypto-mixer Bitcoin Fog and laundering $330 Million of criminal proceeds through it over the course of a decade. But there isn't a single piece of evidence that Roman ever operated Bitcoin Fog. He was merely an innocent user of the service securing his privacy interests. Nothing about this case adds up except the profit motives of the investigators and companies involved.
Roman faces 50-years to life in prison based on speculative, uncorroborated, blockchain forensics conducted at desks thousands of miles away from Sweden.
Hear Roman's lawyers dissect this Kafkaesque nightmare and explain why everyone in the crypto community should be concerned about this American
03:14 Who is Roman Sterlingov - back story
08:20 MtGox, Chainanlysis - questionable data
18:40 The targeting of Roman Sterlingov
21:30 Cast of Characters
35:52 Venue - Actions not committed in the USA
42:45 Cost of defense, friction
44:20 Need for anonymity
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