Satoshi Nakamoto, ask me anything thanks to chat GPT4
I used GPT4 to ask Satoshi Nakamoto all the questions you have ever wanted to ask, like why 21 mio, who inspired him, what will happen when all the coins will be mined and much more. Discover for yourself the answers I got from Chat GPT 4. Occasionally when I thought the answer was to obvious or superficiel, I asked the question again. At one point I ask if he had ever worked with Len Sassaman. Len Sassaman is a potential candidate to be Satoshi. He was a brillant cryptographer, who commited suicide only 2 months after satoshi sent a final communication
I’ve moved on to other things and probably won’t be around in the future.
to cite a brillant article in Medium by Evan Hatch
Len Sassaman
devoted his life to defending personal freedoms through cryptography, working as a developer on PGP encryption and open-source privacy technology, as well as an academic cryptographer researching P2P networks under blockchain inventor David Chaum.
He was also a pillar of the hacker community: a friend and influence to so many of the important figures in the history of infosec and cryptocurrency.
Furthermore we think, by the time stamps of some of Satoshis messages, that at one point he was in europe. At that time Len Sassaman was working in Belgium, with David Chaum. I have included a link to the article in the show notes.
Enjoy, and remember it is just an AI answering you. You will judge for yourself the quality of the responses.
Time Stamps
1:56 Are you still alive?
2:10 How did you get the idea of creating bitcoin?
3:04 Were you influenced by David Chaum?
3:46 Did you ever exchange with Hal Finney or Adam Back?
4:33 Have you ever heard of Len Sassaman?
5:23 Did anyone else work with you on this project?
6:31 Where did you get the idea of a blockchain?
8:14 Why did you decide to limit the supply to 21 million?
9:35 What will happen to bitcoin when all the 21 million coins have been mined?
11:09 Did you not fear that 51% of the hashing power was too low a threshold to secure the network?
13:08 Some of the financing for the research that led to the discovery of the SHA 256 hashing algorithm was done by the NSA. Did you have any link to the NSA?
14:20 Why did you not wait until Schnor signatures lost their copyright protection? Schnor signatures enable more privacy enhancing features compared to the. elliptic curve digital signature scheme used mostly today.
16:16 Why did you hand over the project to Craig Wright?
17:17 Why did you leave the project?
18:48 What economic considerations did you have in mind when you created bitcoin?
21:25 Bitcoin has evolved also into a store of value. Does this bother you and did you. foresee it?