Join us as we journey into the intricate world of crypto compliance with our guest, Hannah Zacharias from 21 Analytics. Listen in as we navigate the challenges of the travel rule and the transmission of KYC information between virtual asset service providers. Hannah sheds light on the nuances of the travel rule, the goals behind it, and the unique challenges it presents. She also explains the specifics of travel regulations by country and the implications of transacting with self-hosted wallets.
In the second half of the episode, we explore 21Analytics' innovative tools including their chatbot and paying products that provide comprehensive solutions to these challenges. Hannah also talks about the state of crypto adoption and trust in Brazilian banks. Lastly, we share how listeners can support our podcast, either by making one-off payments, streaming sats while they listen, contributing in fiat with a credit card, or using Apple Pay.
21 anayltics.
linkedin Hannah Zacharias.
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This podcast is produced by Didier Borel and Mikhael Junod
Copyright © *2020* *The Swiss Road to Crypto*, All rights reserved.
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