Today I am pleased to talk to Harry Halpin. He is the CEO of Nym Technologies. Their goal is the end of mass surveillance. To do this they are developing the Nyn mixnet which is an anonymous overlay network that provides strong network-level anonymity, even in the face of powerful systems capable of passively monitoring an entire network. He will explain to us why it is important, why their solution goes further then existing solutions, and why he chose to build it in Switzerland
Nym mixnet is typically the type of project that we like to uncover. It is a great project, being developed in Switzerland and not that well known.
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This podcast is edited by Mikhael Junod and produced by Mikhael Junod and Didier Borel.
Copyright © *2020* *The Swiss Road to Crypto*, All rights reserved.
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This podcast is produced by Didier Borel and Mikhael Junod
Copyright © *2020* *The Swiss Road to Crypto*, All rights reserved.
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